The solution
Overlooking Snow Town from the sky, roofs of different sizes and shapes appear scattered around the mountain like snowflakes. Each building in the town was individually designed, making the task of calculating and estimating costs extremely challenging. To meet this challenge, we mobilized people from four different offices, in Beijing, Shenyang, Baoding and Changsha. After just three months of close collaboration, we had completed cost calculation and estimation for all items of the project, as well as reconciliation with more than ten different contractors participating in the construction, ensuring timely and effective payments of project funds and accelerating construction.
In order to cope with the rolling terrain where the national guest villas are located and the extreme difficulty of earthworks calculation under these conditions, we quickly learned how to use South CASS software, to efficiently solve the earthworks calculation problem. With the help of SketchUp modeling software, we also successfully completed calculation of the construction work for the complex facades of the cultural and creative commercial streets, the convention hotels and the national guest villas.
At the same time, in order to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, our team of professionals communicated closely with the field staff and the back office, held regular online meetings with the property owners and the design team, followed up on cost estimates of specific items in a timely manner, and proposed optimization plans and provided feedback on variable costs to keep project costs under control.