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Blessy Babu

Energy Transition Lead, Sustainability Advisory, UK & Ireland

How you can take stock of your city’s energy goals to accelerate implementation of the energy mix of the future.

Taking stock of energy goals

Cities worldwide are increasingly setting bold net zero goals to drive their energy transition. New York’s Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act is aiming for zero-emissions electricity by 2040, while in Europe, many cities like Germany and the Netherlands are banning fossil heating within the next three years.

While these targets are ambitious, action must follow for real impact. The first practical step in realizing this is taking stock of energy plans and goals in cities via an in-depth auditing process. Each city is different, so a critical part of this entails using a long-term lens to ensure the future energy mix tells the story of a city’s strengths – maximizing and repurposing available resources and infrastructure.

By looking ahead, we can analyze potential gaps to see if energy systems are set up to meet these growing demands, whilst also making provisions for any partnerships and systems that need to be put in place. For example, if grid capacity can’t cope with net congestion, could a city connect idle batteries to the grid to help with intermittent power generation? Or using industrial waste to support a city’s heating network where solar or wind energy infrastructure may not be readily available.


Urban Resilience

Driven by the promise of prosperity, two thirds of the humanity will likely live in cities by 2050. But as cities continue growing, many are failing to deliver on that promise. Increasing housing density, higher costs of living, unequal access to resources, and the escalating impacts of climate change are all testing our urban spaces. Are we prepared to meet these challenges?

Key steps to support your journey:

  • Audit of energy systems and infrastructure decisions to understand gaps and goals
  • Assess if the city is meeting its future energy needs 5-10 years ahead through strategic scenario planning, encompassing energy masterplanning
  • Take stock of available resources and potential partnerships
  • Plan an energy mix that tells your city’s strengths – pre-feasibility studies at this early stage will be crucial to review viability from a capability, resource and commercial standpoint


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How Arcadis can help

Arcadis has the experience and expertise to partner with you from strategic planning to implementation in your move to carbon-neutrality. Learn more about key solutions we offer as you navigate this stage of your journey.

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