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13,000 m²

usable space

72.5 million euros

of investment

25 years

of operation under a public-private partnership

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The challenge

Stade is building a new school campus on the southern edge of the town, complete with a daycare center, elementary school, high school, sports hall and outdoor facilities. The project in Riensförde is being undertaken as a public-private partnership (PPP). Goldbeck Public Partner GmbH from Bielefeld has been instructed to construct the buildings, partially kit out the interior and landscape the outdoor facilities. The company will then manage the building for 25 years under the PPP. The campus is one of the town's largest building projects and involves a total investment of around 72.5 million euros.

The solution

The construction of the new campus in Riensförde will greatly enrich the lives of children, young people and young families. With modern and forward-looking facilities for play, learning and sport, the Hanseatic town of Stade will become an even more attractive place to live.

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    Crèche, schools, and sports hall

    The daycare center on the southern edge of the town houses four elementary education classes and two crèche groups. The two-class elementary school with canteen can be expanded to three classes. The five-class high school also has its own canteen. The campus will also have its own sports hall for sports lessons, leisure and competitive sport, with capacity to accommodate 1,000 spectators.

    The buildings—which have a total area of more than 13,000 m² plus the outdoor facilities—are being constructed as part of a PPP project. A private investor is planning and building the campus and will be paid to manage and maintain the building for a period of 25 years.

    Bringing together all involved parties

    From the outset of the PPP process, the role of Arcadis is to bring together all of the involved parties. Working together with economic and legal advisors, Arcadis is managing the planning, tendering, award, construction and commissioning phases. As part of the team, Arcadis is responsible for defining the technical and organization requirements, managing the tender process, answering questions that arise and monitoring costs and deadlines.

The impact

With the campus in Riensförde, the Hanseatic town of Stade is creating an attractive new offering for children, young people and families. The PPP project format is a pioneering new way to finance a next-generation school campus. The management of the crèche, schools, canteens, sports hall and outdoor facilities is secured for the next 25 years.

Applied capabilities